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Articles tagged with: Internet Service Providers

The Newest Home Utility

The backbone of a good system

The Newest Home Utility

You get home from work, and get settled in. You take a moment to check your smart phone to see what your friends have been up to lately on Facebook or Instagram. You sit down at the TV, turn it on, and start watching the next episode of your show, on demand. You get a text message from your boss, asking for an email you swore you had sent before you left for the day. One of the kids is complaining because Netflix isn’t working on their tablet. You get out your company laptop to check for the email, while your kids loudly explain how they don’t have anything to do without being able to get to Youtube or Netflix. You see the email on your laptop, but it wasn’t sent. You try in vain to send it, but your laptop refuses to connect to the internet. Your network is down. Again.

TAGS: Home Networking | Internet Service Providers | music streaming | Streaming Content | Utility | video streaming | Wi-Fi

Strengthen Your Connection with Wired & Wireless Network Upgrades

Tailor-Made Audio & Video Supports all the Systems in Your Massachusetts Home

Strengthen Your Connection with Wired & Wireless Network Upgrades


In the past, people relied more on hard copies of content and stored data on hardware. Today, more services and entertainment are being streamed and stored on the Internet You can access tons of music online like Spotify, and movies on Netflix or Hulu. But none of that content works well if you don’t have a strong network—especially if you have invested in a smart home system. There’s nothing worse than getting excited to watch the next episode of your favorite TV show on Netflix, but the show skips, lags, and freezes due to a poor Internet connection.


TAGS: home networks | Internet Service Providers | smart home system | wireless solutions