Strengthen Your Connection with Wired & Wireless Network Upgrades
Tailor-Made Audio & Video Supports all the Systems in Your Massachusetts Home

In the past, people relied more on hard copies of content and stored data on hardware. Today, more services and entertainment are being streamed and stored on the Internet You can access tons of music online like Spotify, and movies on Netflix or Hulu. But none of that content works well if you don’t have a strong network—especially if you have invested in a smart home system. There’s nothing worse than getting excited to watch the next episode of your favorite TV show on Netflix, but the show skips, lags, and freezes due to a poor Internet connection.
Tailor-Made Audio & Video can help connect and power up your smart home so that your network is strong enough to support all of your systems, services, and Internet-connected devices. We can even expand your Internet access so that if your home’s layout is unique, you’ll still get service. Read on to learn what the possible reasons for the problem are and how we can provide a solution.
Position Your Wi-Fi Router in a Central Location
If certain rooms in your home have poor connection, or the issue is widespread, it could be due to your home’s layout. Sometimes radio waves have a hard time traveling through concrete foundations, to second stories, or through appliances that block their path. Your home may have a unique layout that has multiple floors, includes a basement, or is made of thick materials. These things can certainly affect your service. We can hook up a wireless router on the ground floor, as close to the center of your home as possible, to fix the issue. Another way to resolve the problem is to place multiple routers in different locations in your home.
Install a Stronger Network in Your Home
Did you know that most Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are not really meant to handle today’s audio and video services in your home? High-bandwidth devices place a lot of pressure on home networks, so ISPs increase the capacity of the bandwidth to give you faster Internet speeds. However, many home networks aren’t able to deliver these speeds because the proper structure is not in place. If you have streaming services like Pandora or Hulu, or multiple mobile devices, then we recommend you hire a professional integrator to install a stronger network to support them.
In addition, smart homes also need a strong network to function properly—especially if your system is wireless and you use apps to control your lights, shades, thermostat and more on a regular basis.
The ideal solution is to combine wired and wireless solutions. Additionally, a cloud-based server can reliably provide you with a library of content ready for viewing without delay. Since you have a few options, Tailor-Made Audio & Video can work with you to choose a solution that best suits your needs and budget.
Are you tired of having a poor Internet connection? Tell us what your needs are by filling our online form and we’ll get back to you with a solution. You’ll be relaxing to your favorite Netflix show in no time!