Motorized Shades Provide Incredible Benefits to Your Bedford, New Hampshire Home
Everyone has their own idea of what’s important in a smart home. Some people love movies and music and make it a priority to have the best systems in their house, while others enjoy the convenience of having access to every amenity from their mobile device. Whichever feature of smart home automation you value the most, we can all agree that motorized shades are an essential element to your home in the area of Bedford, New Hampshire. Here are some reasons why we believe you simply can’t overlook this incredible technology.
TAGS: Motorized Shades | smart home automation
on Thursday, 14 January 2016.
Posted in Smart Home Automation
Use a Control4 System to Get in the Holiday Spirit
Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Hanukah are approaching fast – it’s hard to believe 2015 is almost over. While you start thinking about your guest list for November 26 and your Christmas or Hanukah shopping list, take some time to get in the holiday spirit with smart home automation. You can use all of the technology in your Wellesley, Massachusetts home to start the season off right. Here are our three tips for using your smart home for some holiday fun.
TAGS: Control4 | smart home automation
on Monday, 09 November 2015.
Posted in Smart Home Automation
Get the Most Out of Your Massachusetts Home With Tailor-Made Audio + Video
When many people think of a smart home, they imagine a space overrun with technology. But your home doesn’t have to look like James Bond’s gadget storehouse for a smart home automation system to be worth the investment. With a custom Control 4 automation system designed by professionals like us, you take center stage, not the technology. You’re in control with easy, intuitive access to your home’s lighting, entertainment and security from a central user interface on your smartphone, tablet or touchpad.
TAGS: 4Sight App | Control4 | Hi-Fi music | smart home automation
on Tuesday, 22 September 2015.