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Articles in Category: Surround Sound

Immersive Audio

Bringing the "Theater" back to your home

Immersive Audio

So you’ve gone to the movie theater and watched the latest blockbuster on one of the main screens. It was amazing. You loved the movie so much that you go out and buy it as soon as it comes out on Blu-ray, pop it in to your system at home, and sit back to enjoy the magic all over again. But something is wrong. You have a great TV, and a good surround sound system. You even have a giant bowl of movie theater buttered popcorn in your lap. But this time around, it just doesn’t make you feel like you are “there” as much as it did in the theater. You still enjoyed watching the movie again, but just doesn’t quite live up. So, what is missing? More than likely, it was something so subtle that unless you know what you are looking for you probably missed it. The answer? More speakers.