Stay Comfortable all Season Long with the Control4 Wireless Thermostat
Use Smart Home Automation to Control the Temperature in Your Massachusetts Home

The chilly weather has finally arrived, and we should expect the temperature to drop even more in the coming weeks. It’s not unusual to get snow on Thanksgiving in Newton, Massachusetts. So how do you stay comfortable as the weather changes using smart home automation? A smart thermostat and home energy management system is the answer. Control4’s newest wireless thermostat gives you the ability to control the temperature, fan setting, humidity level, and create a schedule to save energy. Keep reading to learn all about the best features of a Control4 smart thermostat.
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Imagine leaving work and stepping outside into the frigid cold air. You clutch your coat close and rapidly walk to your car so you can turn on the heat. As you start your commute, your smart home turns on the heating system to begin warming your house. By the time you set foot inside, your residence is comfortable and cozy so you can relax after a long day.
Control4 wireless thermostats give you this ability to create a heating and cooling schedule personalized to your lifestyle. So if you usually come home by 6 p.m., you can schedule the thermostat to change the temperature a half hour before so it’s created the perfect environment for you by the time you arrive. By putting your thermostat on a schedule, you also get to save energy and not have to think twice about managing the temperature. Because who wants to come home to a freezing house?
The new user interface of the system was developed to make navigating the thermostat easier. Paul Williams, Vice President of lighting and comfort products for Control4 said, “We went back to the drawing board. People are often intimidated by thermostats. So we asked ourselves, ‘how do we simplify the experience?’” Thus, the OS 2.7 version was born.
The user interface features an intuitive dial for quick access to comfort functions, including the temperature, heating and cooling set points, fan speed, and humidity levels. Another unique aspect of the Control4 user interface is that it glows red when it’s heating, and glows blue when it’s cooling. The colored ring in the center of the screen can be dragged to different points to change the settings. Furthermore, the solid blue dots in the ring show that the HVAC system is humidifying or dehumidifying the house.
Lastly, you can create your own HVAC scenes by incorporating the temperature, humidification, and other settings into your smart home controls. For example, select the scene “Away” and change the temperature to 65 for when you leave the house and the fan setting to off. Of course, you can also change the schedule at any time, from any location in the world, using the Control4 app on your mobile device.
Would you like to learn more about Control4’s newest thermostat? Contact us online to set up a meeting with our team.
- Tags: Control4 | smart home automation